How to Ensure That Your Organization Is In Compliance With Regulations Governing Discrimination -- What You Should Be Doing To Be Preapred for the New, Stepped Up Enforcement Actions
A Special 60-Minute Audio Webcast 
Thursday, September 10, 2009  
1:30-2:30 PM EDT 

Cynthia Stamer
Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Chair of the Health Care Practice
Law Firm of Curran Tomko and Tarski LLP

Click Here for Biography

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Is your organization up to speed to ensure that it is in compliance with the stepped up enforcement of the federal regulations that govern discrimination?

Caution: under a new federal priority, health care providers are now being held accountable for ensuring that effective and adequate access is available for individuals who have limited English language proficiency, hearing loss or other language or communication restrictions that would impact their ability to access care and services.

Health Care Providers Should Act To Manage Risks

Are your policies, procedures and training programs up-to-date and adequately address these access to services issues?

Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its implementing regulations, recipients of federal financial assistance are required to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs by limited English proficient individuals who are eligible to receive their services.

The federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) have stepped up enforcement actions against health care providers for discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

Plan now to attend “How to Ensure That Your Organization Is In Compliance With Regulations Governing Discrimination – What You Should be Doing To Be Prepared For the New, Stepped Up Enforcement Actions.”

Get Details on This New Obama Administration Priority and How It May Affect Your Organization

Don’t Let This Happen to You: 

In one recent case a discrimination complaint against a hospital system was filed by a patient with severe hearing loss, who reported that she was denied a sign language interpreter when treated in the hospital’s emergency room and intensive care unit.

If your organization fails to provide limited English proficiency members (LEP members) with meaningful access to services you could find yourselves in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).

The Administration has begun an initiative to make prevention and to redress prohibited national origin, disabilities and other discrimination in employment, public services, public accommodations and telecommunications a priority.

The recent enforcement actions are a clear signal that health care providers should review the adequacy of translation and the mechanisms required to allow limited English speakers, the hearing impaired, and other language limited populations with effective access to services.

HHS and the OCR have already begun enforcement and several healthcare organizations have entered into agreements with HHS-OCR to take corrective actions.

Learn what your organization should be doing now to protect itself and to manage risks under the Obama Administration priority program.

Order Today!

  • Overview of Health Care Provider Obligations Under Federal Civil Rights Laws
    • Patient
    • Employer
  • Recent Enhanced Investigation and Enforcement Actions of Federal Discriminations Laws
  • New Administration Enforcement Emphasis
  • Understanding the Heightened Willingness By Federal Agencies To Investigate and Enforce Charges
  • Risk Management Strategies and Tips
  • Open LIne Questions and Answer Session

Listen in to this program with your key management team members and departments for a comprehensive review of the requirements for healthcare providers under Federal Civil Rights Laws. Your one low registration fee covers everyone listening in on one telephone line.

 Who Will Benefit?

CEOs, COOs, vice presidents, compliance officers, senior administrators and management team members, clinical department heads, ER department heads and supervisors, nursing executives, hospital attorneys, risk managers, executive directors, directors of patient care, program directors, consultants, care managers, quality improvement, and directors of education.

Program Materials:

Your fee includes a toll-free dial-in number and online access to all ‘handout’ conference materials including agenda, speaker biography and contact information and program slides.

This program is sponsored by Health Resources Publishing LLC, serving the special information needs of healthcare executives since 1978.


There is no limit on the number of participants from your office; the registration fee covers one dial-in. For discount pricing on additional phone lines, contact our customer service line at 800-516-4343.

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